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Beach volleyball camps
tailored to your needs

Our main goal is for you to improve your beach volleyball skills in a relaxed and friendly environment. To achieve this, we take a holistic approach, giving you plenty of options to train, socialize, explore the surroundings and focus on your physical and mental needs.

Before a camp, we develop a schedule with our coaches and team based on our experience from past camps. Please note, that aside from the training sessions, participation in tournaments, free play and social events is optional.

Curious about what a training day
in a Sunset Beach Camp looks like?


To wake up your body, we usually start the day with a 45-min yoga session right at the water front. This not only activates your muscles for the following training sessions but also lets you connect with your mind and body.


One of our coaches leads the warm-up to make sure you are ready to train. After a comprehensive mobilizing workout, we often include fun and team-building challenges or games.


Before the camp, we divide you into training groups based onto your playing levels. Generally, these groups remain the same throughout the camp but we might adjust them where needed.

Every day, we focus on a different topic and beach volleyball concept. During the sessions, all groups work on a similar exercise and skillset, but we will adapt the difficulty to the playing level of the group.


After the first session, you get a well-deserved break to have a coffee, snack or some rest.


The second training session of the day focuses on the same concept as the first. We vary and develop the exercises, taking your beach volleyball skills to the next level.


After a busy morning of training, you deserve a proper lunch break! There are always plenty of options around to suit everyone’s need. This is the right time to get to know each other better, refuel and take a break.


Afternoons are very flexible and it is completely up to you how to spend them. The beach volleyball courts are available for you to play and start implementing what you learnt in the morning sessions. Otherwise, you can relax or explore the local area. In the afternoons, we alternate free play with tournament days (up to 4 per week!!!) which we will always tell you about in advance during the welcome meeting


Evenings are free for you to enjoy as you prefer! For those who want to socialise with other participants, we organise plenty of events such as group dinners, outings and more.

Do you like the sound
of such a beach volleyball-filled day?

Are you ready to join us at our camps?

Check out our upcoming camps

Do you have questions about
the camp setup or organisation?